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Automated Email Notifications and Open Counts
Automated Email Notifications and Open Counts

Did you know you can get notified when candidates open your emails?

Arbee avatar
Written by Arbee
Updated over a week ago

RecruitBot is all about saving you time, and helping streamline your sourcing process. In order to make your workflow faster, we've got two automated options to help you find the best candidates!

Automated Email Notifications

Ever wondering which candidates are opening your email outreach, but haven't responded? If so, then you should enable the automated email notifications. Just head to your Personal Settings, and enable the option to send an automated notification. Then, whenever a candidate opens one of your sent outreaches, you'll get an automated message to your email, letting you know. A quick and easy way to see which candidates are interested. Note that we only send the message the FIRST time they open the outreach, not every time.

Automated email response:

Email Open Counts

If you want to know how many times a candidate has opened your email outreach, then our new open counter is for you! Just head to your outreach section, and when viewing the email outreach thread to a candidate, you'll see a numeric indicator of how many times they've opened your outreach.

Now, with a quick glance, you'll know which candidates are interested, and which are SUPER interested! You can use this to recycle candidates after they hit the re-engage section of your pipeline, engaging the most interested candidates and weeding out the non-openers.

If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

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