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RecruitBot - Canceling or Pausing your Subscription
RecruitBot - Canceling or Pausing your Subscription

Want to cancel or pause? There's alternatives to keep you in the game.

Daniel Jenner avatar
Written by Daniel Jenner
Updated over 7 months ago

Here at RecruitBot, we completely understand that you might not be hiring or have open job reqs open year round, so it makes sense that you might want to pause or suspended a membership for a month, few months, etc. However, RecruitBot doesn't offer a pause option--we still have to pay the server bills, pay our staff, and there are several actions you can take to keep recruiting year round!

Reframe the recruiting/sourcing process as a year-round process by building a bench of warm candidates.

Instead of thinking of recruiting as a 'I've got an open job req, let's go source for it', instead, build a bench of interested candidates. If you have an open job, and the position ends up getting filled, you've still got candidates in either the 'Re-Engage' bucket, or those in the qualified/search results. Keep an email campaign going to keep those candidates 'warm', that way, when the next position opens up, you'll have a bench of interested candidates ready to reach out to. Also consider connecting with prospective candidates on LinkedIn, or building out a position and finding the top candidates using RecruitBot's machine learning. You'll be ahead of the game vs other recruiters who've got to start at square one.

We're here to help and brainstorm along with you--if business slows down or you're not actively hiring, reach out to our Customer Success team at and we'll help you in keeping your recruiting and sourcing solutions running strong.

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