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Lever + RecruitBot

Integrate your Lever ATS with RecruitBot--sync candidate statuses, export candidates to Lever, and more!

Arbee avatar
Written by Arbee
Updated over 10 months ago

How to create an integration with Lever

In this article, we cover how to create the integration between Lever (an authorized partner) and RecruitBot. Read more about Lever's integration with RecruitBot here.

Before we begin, make sure you have:

☑ A Lever admin account

☑ A RecruitBot admin account

This article demonstrates how to:

Part II: Map your Lever stages to RecruitBot

Part III: Link RecruitBot positions to your Lever positions


Create Integration between Lever Recruiting Software and RecruitBot

1. Navigate to the integrations section of your RecruitBot account by clicking your email address in the upper right corner, then 'Settings', then 'ATS Integration' on the left.

2. Click the “Continue with Lever'' button to begin the integration.

This will direct you to a login screen in Lever where you will be asked to log into your Lever account with admin access, and then grant RecruitBot access to your Lever account.

Login to your Lever account first:

Then grant access:


3. Upon accepting the permissions, you will be redirected back to the RecruitBot integrations page. Once there you will see the option to configure your Lever stages to RecruitBot’s internal statuses.

For convenience, RecruitBot will suggest stage mappings for you, but you may change them anytime.

4. In the “Positions to Link” section you will see a list of all of your open Lever positions. Simply select the ones you wish to link to RecruitBot and then click the “Link Positions” button.

(You may also configure RecruitBot to automatically export candidates to Lever upon reaching out to them in RecruitBout; you can select to never automatically export, only upon being marked as Interested, or during Outreach).

5. After linking the positions, you can confirm they’ve been linked by scrolling down to the “Linked” section.

6. Now you can return to the dashboard. For each linked position in the step above, you will see a new RecruitBot position with a Lever icon, to indicate that it was linked to a Lever position.

7. When you search for candidates in this position you will now have the option to export them to Lever.

8. Click on the Export button to begin exporting the candidate. You should see the button change to display three dots indicating that the export is in progress.

9. Once the export is complete you should see a popup saying “Candidate exported to Lever”, and their profile should have a grey 'Lever' icon, indicating they've been exported successfully.

10. You should now see the candidate in your Lever account as a new lead for this position.


11. RecruitBot will then automatically sync with your Lever data so that once you refresh the page you should see a lever logo next to the candidate’s name in the search results and a Lever badge icon in place of the export button. Clicking on that badge will open up a new tab with that candidate’s Lever profile.

Continue reading to map your existing position searches to your Lever ATS...

Part II: Map your Lever stages to RecruitBot

  1. In the subsequent section of the Integrations page (below the API Status list), you can map your custom Lever stages to RecruitBot.

Your first stage for "Application Review" should be "Applied". The rest should be "Interviewing." Choices have been made for you by default, but please review these mappings before clicking "Submit".

🎉 The integration between Lever and RecruitBot is now complete! 🎉

Part III: Link RecruitBot positions to your Lever positions

With the integration setup complete, you can now;

A) Import candidate search information from Lever to RecruitBot


B) Link existing candidate searches that were made solely in RecruitBot (likely during your trial) to the related positions on Lever

NOTE: The integration will also find all of the candidates you’ve reached out to in a platform outside of RecruitBot to make sure that you don’t engage them in additional correspondence.



A) Link existing Lever positions with a new position in RecruitBot

1. Return to the app homepage ( and select +Create Position from the upper right. This will prompt the following window:

2. Select the input box to begin typing the position as it is named on Lever and, as it appears, select it from a dropdown list of all the positions from your Lever.

3. Once you have selected the appropriate position, click the “Link” button.

Now your search is reflected in both applications and any changes made on one platform will be automatically reflected in the other.

NOTE: A logo in the title of your search serves as an indicator that a position is synced with Lever (or any other ATS).

B) Sync existing RecruitBot positions with positions in Lever

1. Return to the app homepage (

2. Navigate to the position you would like to connect with Lever and click on the gear symbol in the upper right corner of the position section.

3. A pop-up window labeled “Edit Position” will appear. At the bottom of this pop-up there is a section titled “Link To Lever”. Input/select the name of the Lever position you’d like to sync with the RecruitBot position, and click the “Link” button.

From there, that's it! Your positions and candidates will automatically sync with Lever when updated in any system.

Any questions? Reach out to us at

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